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What Is A Gastric Sleeve Operation

In recent decades, weight loss surgeries have become more popular. Many people are struggling with losing weight and finding solutions in surgical procedures. There are four primary bariatric surgeries in Turkey. 

  1. The Gastric Bypass operation.
  2.  The Gastric Sleeve operation. 
  3. The Gastric Balloon operation. 
  4. The Gastric Botoks operation.

Gastric Sleeve operation in Turkey is one of the most popular bariatric surgery procedures. It is a simple and highly safe surgery in which about 70% of the original portion of the stomach is removed.

 This stomach reduction makes the patient feel full faster and limits their food intake. Although it depends on the person, a patient can lose 70% of their excess weight with gastric sleeve surgery. Moreover, with the improvements in the field, gastric sleeves in Turkey can be combined with Gastric Bypass surgery to provide a much more effective weight loss process.

In this procedure, it is essential to remember that the stomach is an organ made of muscles. Therefore, if you do not follow the instructions given by the doctor and follow a specific diet, your stomach can expand to its previous size, leading you to start gaining weight again.

What Medical Issues Can Be Treated With A Gastric Sleeve

Gastric Sleeve surgery is not only a solution for obesity or excess weight but also for many other diseases. If the patient follows all the instructions given by the doctor and has a healthy diet, they can be free from several health problems. Some of those are as follows:

  • Type 2 diabetes: The surgery provides insulin resistance.
  • High blood pressure (hypertension): Since gastric surgery eliminates excess weight, it improves the body’s blood pressure levels.
  • High cholesterol: As with all bariatric surgeries, Gastric Sleeve operation also improves and balances cholesterol levels.
  • Sleep Apnea: When patients lose weight after bariatric surgery, the fatty tissue around the upper airway reduces, which can prevent sleep apnea and related upper airway collapse.
  • Joint Pain: The excess weight on the body can be a burden to the joints and cause pain. Removing this burden through weight loss surgery can relieve joint pain.

Candidates For Gastric Sleeve Operation

Bariatric procedures can help you lose excess weight, but only some are eligible for these surgeries. To have sleeve surgery in Turkey, a patient must meet certain conditions. These are as follows:

  1. Those who suffer from obesity and adiposity.
  2. Those who have difficulty changing their eating habits.
  3. Those who have a 35kg or higher body mass index (BMI).
  4. The person must be healthy and free of any health problems hindering gastric sleeve surgery.
  5. The person who is due to undergo Gastric Sleeve surgery should be between 18 and 65 years old.
  6. The person must be free of stomach diseases that hinder the operation, such as stomach ulcers or gastritis.

Pre-Gastric Sleeve Operation Tips

The advice and instructions dictated by the doctor must be followed before Gastric Sleeve surgery in order to reach the desired result, such as:

  • Refrain from eating anything for about 5 hours before the surgery. Refrain from having stimulants such as caffeine since they make it difficult to respond to the process of anesthesia.
  • Refrain from medications that cause blood thinning, such as Ibuprofen. Get used to exercising for a certain time before the surgery.
  • Refrain from eating food that is high in calories or saturated with fat. Pay attention to drinking plenty of water before the operation. Refrain from smoking for a month before the surgery. Refrain from having any sort of blood thinner, such as green tea and vitamin combinations, to avoid bleeding during the operation.

Tips After Gastric Sleeve Operation

After the Gastric Sleeve surgery, as in all bariatric surgeries, the doctor gives instructions for the patient to follow. These instructions are essential to getting the best results without any side effects. Some of the instructions are as follows:

  • The person should drink plenty of water after Gastric Sleeve surgery.
  • Refrain from drinks that contain gas or sugar.
  • It is recommended to have nutritional supplements that contain vitamins and calcium for a month after the operation.
  • Since it reduces the oxygen rate in the blood needed for healing and recovery, refrain from smoking for two months after the operation.
  • Follow a diet determined by a nutritionist to get healthy, balanced food containing proteins.
  • Drink fluids exclusively, only in the first week.
  • It is recommended to exercise two weeks after the Gastric Sleeve operation.

Stages Of Gastric Sleeve Operation

Gastric Sleeve operation is a safe and fast one. The operation takes around 45 minutes. Most of the time, patients can leave the hospital on the same day. The stages of Gastric Sleeve operation are as follows:

  1. First Stage: Clinical Examinations — The candidate for the operation must go through several tests and examinations. The doctor examines the patient to see if they are eligible for the process and do not have any diseases or conditions that may cause complications after the surgery. Furthermore, the surgeon analyses and determines the size of the stomach to be removed according to the patient’s weight.
  2. Second Stage: Anesthesia Stage: Gastric Sleeve surgeries are conducted with general anesthesia. Before the surgery, the anesthesiologist gives anesthesia to the patient, so they do not feel anything during the surgery. For the anesthesia process to be successful, as in all surgical procedures, the patient must adhere to the instructions given before the preparation process.

3. Third Stage: Conducting of Gastric Sleeve Operation — Most Gastric Sleeve surgeries are done by robotic surgery or with a laparoscope. This laparoscope monitors everything inside for the surgeon.

The surgeon makes several small incisions on the upper abdomen to insert the laparoscope. Then, the surgeon removes about 70% of the stomach. After this removal, only a sleeve-shaped stomach piece is left. That is actually how the surgery gets its name.

Gastric Sleeve Surgery Cost

The price range of the surgery radically changes from one country to another. This change can result from several things, such as;

  1. The country’s currency,
  2. The condition of the health system,
  3. The waiting list that the system offers,
  4. The technology used in surgical fields.

Today, many people prefer Turkey for bariatric surgeries because of the lower costs and short waiting lists it provides. The prices Turkish hospitals and clinics offer are almost half the fees that European countries offer. Moreover, Turkey has much to offer patients other than just surgery.

Turkey’s quality clinics, experienced surgeons, state-of-the-art technology equipment, and improved health tourism field make it a great candidate for patients. Besides the technical part, Turkey is also very appealing as a tourist destination. Patients prefer Turkey not only for the low cost of surgery but also for the opportunity to travel to an exciting country rich in natural and cultural wonders.